There is not a time of the year that I love more than the holiday season. When November 1st hits I am in full on Thanksgiving and Christmas mode. I love spending the time with my family, drinking spiced cider and hot chocolate, and watching an unhealthy amount of holiday movies.

Thanksgiving week is one of my favorites of the year – the work week ends early as you get prepared to give thanks and of course: eat all of the food. Then there’s Black Friday, which I have enjoyed much more as I’ve gotten older. However, the week comes and goes quickly and then you’re back at work on Monday anxiously waiting for Christmas.
For me, these few weeks in between the holidays are the loooongest. They feel hard, they’re busy with the year coming to an end, and all I ever want is to just spend my time at home with those cheesy Hallmark classics I can never get enough of.
Today I am providing you with a couple of tips to help make these weeks between the holidays a little easier for you:

1. Stay organized
Sometimes the hardest thing coming back to work is getting caught back up. Make sure before you leave for the holidays you have everything organized. For me, I am always to excited to get home for the holidays that I leave in a rush and I always regret that when I get back into the office.

2. Slow down
Don’t do everything at once. When you get back to the office, make a list of your priorities and deadlines and get a system going. For me, I’m a rusher – I work fast (right, Razonia? Ha) this is something I have to constantly remind myself. Slooooow down, Korryn. Slow down.

3. Cherish the time
Christmas comes but once a year and there’s something so special about this season – the lights, music, the activities, the food, the parties, the beautiful Christmas sweaters (there is no such thing as an ugly Christmas sweater in my eyes), and the movies. Instead of dreading the time in between the holidays because you’re so anxious for Christmas day, stop and smell the peppermint. Enjoy the lights when you drive and the music on the radio – there’s just something so sweet about this season.