I love this time of year. I’m constantly in different directions, so I adore when I can take a step back and spend time with my loved ones. I always get so overwhelmed with joy around this time because I realize how special I feel to have the people that I do.

I’m thankful for everything this life brings, the good and the bad, but the people that know me best are what I’m truly thankful for. They are why I’m counting my blessings this time of year.
My family is the first. I have the greatest parents and the best siblings. I feel so lucky to have them as a support system. My family means the world to me and I could not do this life without them.
My boyfriend, Josh, is someone I thank God for every day. He lifts me up, he’s my rock, and he always knows how to make me laugh. I’m probably a little too attached to him but I just adore him. Also, thankful for the nights we watch Game of Thrones. And for his patience when I say we have to watch three more.

My close friends are next. I feel as though I have many great girlfriends that I am so thankful for, but it’s the few that are there through thick and thin, who have seen me at my worst and my best, and continue to love me and be a friend. I am extra thankful for them.

I’m thankful for my cat, Coco. We call her “queen” in my household. She is the sassiest little creature and will scream at you if she wants something or if her food bowl is running low. She makes my mornings and nights so much better. I am thankful to be a cat mom every day. I’m also thankful for my dog, Marley. I think I’m a little partial to cats, but I seriously love my dog. She is the sweetest, most gentle animal who shows every emotion possible. I am thankful for her.

Lastly, I’m thankful for passions. I believe we all have a purpose on this earth and finding what you’re passionate about makes each day a little more exciting. I’m thankful for my passions as they help me grow and strive to be better.

There is so much to be thankful for and my list could go on and on. But for now, thanks to all the people (and animals) that make life that much more exciting.