While we do see each other almost everyday, we're typically working and trying to meet deadlines. We're talking, but mainly discussing what is next on the to-do list for our clients. So, after a successful July, we decided we needed a girls night!
After planning a girls night, we decided we would share what we did and give you some ideas for your next girls night - whether it be with your staff or just your girlfriends!
Who doesn't love sangria? In preparation for girls night, we took some time during the day to get Sangria ready for the evening! It was DELICIOUS, and if you're needing a recipe, Sarah is your girl.

Along with sangria, of course we had to plan dinner. We're always talking about food around here, so of course it was going to be one of the main components of our girls night! We decided on a taco night and planned what everyone should bring.
Then, EAT!
We all brought our supplies and got dinner ready. We made ourselves some tacos, enjoyed chips and queso (and sangria!) and had good conversation around the dinner table.

Next, GAMES!
While some of us just watched, others got competitive. Darts or pool, anyone? We always love a good game around here... and lucky for us, our night was equipped with a couple! Games are a great way to forget about the real world, but still compete if you've got that competitive nature in you!

Finally, MOVIES!
After dinner and games we piled in the car and took a trip to the movies. We got to lounge back and laugh along with a comedy, which is much needed after a month of working hard and getting things done! You don't have to go to the movies to check this off the list, pop in a DVD and watch in the comfort of one of your homes!